
2nd Annual Reindeer Games BB Tournament

Location: Heartland Sports Complex
42 Spruce St
Tipton, IA 52772 (map)

Contact: Jim Kersten (kerstenhsc@gmail.com)

2nd Annual Reindeer Games BB Tournament

Saturday, December 19th
3rd/4th/5th grade Girls
Sunday, December 20th
3rd/4th/5th grade Boys

COST:  $120      3 GAME GUARANTEE   (Entry Deadline: Dec 10th, 2015)

  • Each team to provide one scorekeeper/clock operator.
  • Certified Officials Used.
  • No player shall play on more than one team per grade level.
  • No cooler or food/drink allowed.Concessions will be available.
  • Game balls will be provided.Teams must provide practice balls.
  • Participating players and two coaches will be admitted for free.
  • Admission will be charged.
 Click here to print registration form for the 2nd Annual Reindeer Games Tournament